Jillian is one of the funniest people I have ever met; she is like my Uncle Jim they are always cracking jokes and making people laugh, without trying. Jillian can make anyone laugh and always breaks the ice if someone is in a fight, with her humor. Jillian and I have many common inserts including we love to dance, we love the same music including Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, Lady Ga Ga, and Beyonce. Jillian also loves to dance however this summer she had knee surgery this summer so she can't dance for 3 months it is killing her because Jillian is a very active sole. She is always outside with her "running crew" or riding her bike, dancing or playing basketball. So for Jillian not being able to do any physical activity for 3 months it’s a real killer.
Family Vacations are always fun with Jillian because she is always being a jokester and prankster. Our favorite family vacation was Mexico we went for spring break 3 years ago and are going back this spring break. Jillian though it would be funny to throw ice cubes off the balcony on our trip in Chicago this summer, she got in trouble but my parents started laughing when they were yelling at her because she was cracking another joke.
In her spare time Jillian enjoying dancing, making bracelets, and especially hanging outside, she is ALWAYS outside we have a very active neighborhood with plenty of kids so she always has a “running crew”.
The bottom line is Jillian and I will always be there for eachother, even when there are times she wants to throw a shoe at me, I will always be there for her too. Friends may come and go but siblings are forever.
WOW sam you are so lucky to have a sister that is really sweet. I love my brother, but a sister would be cool.