A- Art
I love to draw and paint in my free time, I also doodle all the time! Painting is my favorite, because its messy and you can express your self very easy when you paint.
B- Betsey Johnson, Beaches and Bubbly.
Betsey Johnson can best describe me because I love fashion and she is my favorite designer! She has a crazy personaliy and really expresses it through her fashion. I love the beach I love everything about it. The sand running through your toes, the sun shining on your face and the seashells.
C-Cell Phone, Carmel apples.
I love my cell phone, I'm always using it other than when I have to turn it off for school. I'm always texting someone. I wish I wasn't so addicted to my cell phone because when I don't have it I feel as if my arm is missing. I love apples, I love them even more when they have carmel on them, its my favorite fall food. I love carmel apple so much.
I love to dance, I dance at Point Counter Pointe Dance Studio. I dance 3 days a week, I take ballet,jazz,lyrical,modern and pointe. I just got my pointe shoes this year in dance. Everyone said it was so painful and I didn't agree until the 3rd week it then felt as if my toes we about to be cut off. However pointe is still my favorite type of dance. I love to draw and doodle I take art classes at art 1o1. I love art.
E-Everything your Not
Everything your Not is a song by Demi Lovato and It is currently my favorite song.
Sadly I am a facebook junkie. I love facebook and everything about it however I wish i wasn't because I could be spending my time doing other things. I love fashion its a huge part of my life I try and keep up with the lastest trends and styles.I hope to become a fashion designer some day.
I am a total girly girl. I love pink, shopping and glitz and glam. I love giltter and sparkley thinks. My room is totally glam and filled with glitter.
I love holidays, my number one reason to loving holidays is spending time with family. I love my family so much I have a very close family. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving and birthdays always bring excitment and joy to our family because we get to spend time together. I have the best cousins ever we are all getting older and becoming really close. I love hersheys bars however I don't like hersheys dark chocolate or with almonds just plain Hershey's milk chocolate.
I- Ice Cream
I know everyone else used ice cream for I, and I am going to do the same thing. However I love ice cream. My favorite ice cream is from Maggie Moo's its rasberry ice cream with gummy bears. I really want some ice cream now.
J- Jonas Brothers and Jillian.
I love love love love love love love love love the Jonas Brothers. I am there biggest fan. I have been to 4 going on 5 concerts. I had the chance to meet them this summer, It was the best day of my life. I can't pick a favorite Jonas Brother I love Nick,Kevin and Joe. Jillian is my litter sister however shes not so little anymore, she is 11 and in 6th grade. She is my true best friend and I love her with all my heart I would be lost without her. We get in fights like all brothers and sister but that does not stop me from loving her.
K- Kids
I love little kids and I don't mean that in a Creeper Micheal Jackson way. This summer I spend most of the time babysitting. Not only do I love making money but babysitting is what i enjoy. I like babysitting little kids better than older kids because they don't have as much of a attitude!
L- Livonia
Livonia is my hometown and I still live there. However in 10 years I don't want to live in Livonia anymore I hope to move to New York or California and start a career in Fashion.
M- Music
I love music, I am listenting to music every second of the day other than at school. I listen to it even when I sleep. My favorite singers are The Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa,Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez. I am a total Disney Junkie, I love disney channel and that influnces my favorite singers because most of the actors are singers too.
N- Needles.
I hate needles I hate everything about them. When I was 9 and I found out I had to get a shot I made my mom chase me around the building. I still hate needles to this day however I dont make her chase me around the building anymore.
O- Ohio
Ohio is where my Best friend Bridget use to live. I met her in 4th grade when she moved to Michigan and we have been best friends ever since. Bridget and I never get in silly fights like other friends because we are alot alike. We love to go shopping together! Bridget and I have been through alot together but if anything it has only made our friendship stronger!
P-Polka Dots, Petless,Purses
I love the polka-dot pattern I love polka dots because they are just fun and I am a fun person, my bathroom is green,blue and pink polka dots. I am Petless, by petless I mean I don't own a single pet. I use to have a fish named goldie he was nine, however my sister over fed him when we were on a ski trip and her died. However my mom is allergic to most cats and dogs thats why we don't have any pets. I love love love purses they are my favorite piece of fashion. I love buying a new purse. My favorite purse designers is Betsey Johnson, Coach and Louis Vuttion, I have yet to get a Louis Vuttion purse because they are very pricey, one day I hope to own one.
Q- Quiet.
I think I can be a quiet person at some points however once you get to know me I'm not so quiet anymore.
R- Rachel Zuckerman
Rachel Zuckerman is one of my only friends in my lunch, at first I hated our lunch it however we are really becoming great friends! We both have alot in common. We usually sit in the hallway because there is no room in the lunch room however we sit with someone friends. Rachel and I always by a carmel apple sucker after lunch they are out favorites :)
I am on Student Senate at Stevenson and I am so happy I made it on. Everyone is so friendly and kind, they have made the transition to High School alot better because I know more familar faces. I love Summer however I don't love summer for the weather I love it for the break and tanning. I love Summer break because you can do whatever you want.
T- The twins, and Taylor Swift.
The twins are my twin baby cousins, Mia & Lauren. They are 2 and have a baby sister (Abigail) on the way. These babies mean the world to me. They can make you smile no matter what. Even though they are only 2 years old they both have every distinct personalities. Mia is more of the jokster she is always making everybody laugh and Lauren had a smile that can melt your heart. Taylor Swift is one of my role models. I love every single one of her songs. I think her music is very insperaltional. I love Taylor's sence of style. I haven't been to one of her concerts yet but I hope to soon.
U- Uggs
I love my Uggs, they are why I love cold weather. I love my Uggs because they are so warm and comfy and they match every single outfit. I only have the chestnut Uggs however I really want the pink knitted uggs for christmas. I love Uggs.
V-Valentine's Day.
I love Valentines day! I love it for two reasons. I am a Valentine's baby, My birthday is Feburary 14 otherwish know as Valentines day! I love it because I feel like everyone is just happy when this special holiday comes.
W- Watermelon!
I love watermelon it is my favorite fruit! I love watermelon because it is so thurstquenching and it is very juicy!
I love the pattern XOXOX I think I love it so much because I think of hugs and kisses which makes me think of Valentine's day which is also my birthday!
Y- Yearbook and Yellow.
Yearbook was my favorite class last year at Holmes. I love being able to interview people and design the yearbook. My favorite color is Yellow I love yellow because its bright and fun! Yellow is also my favorite color because its very cheerful, and I think I am a cheerful person!
I love the Zoo it is my favorite place to go with my baby cousins because even though they might just be animals to us, they are giants to them! My favorite thing at the zoo is the polar bears and penguins! I love the zoo however I don't like how smelly it is.